vegetable garden

Now that the ground hog is gone, my garden is doing well. Something, and I think it is a rabbit, is biting the tops off my peas. But all the other plants are lush.

First, a note about recycling. I recycle all my kitchen garbage. Not bones or anything like that but all the peelings, spoiled fruit, coffee grounds and tea leaves. I keep a bucket in the kitchen to put the stuff in.


When the bucket is full I take it outside to Big Bertha, my recycling barrel.


I used to have a barrel that looked like darth Vader’s helmet but I couldn’t turn it. This one turns. In the fall, I spread the compost on the garden, cover it with black plastic, and turn it in to the soil in the spring. I took clay soil and after five years of this turned it into great garden soil. Then we moved but that is another story.

Anyway, with what I have in the earth boxes on the garden I have ten tomato plants. Why so many? I can’t bear to kill any of them so I let them live. And I will have tomatoes coming out of my ears this year. All the plants already have tons of flowers.

tomato flowers

We have already eaten swiss chard.  the cucumbers and squash are covered with blossoms.

s. cukes and squash

Finally, I have several rows of green beans. I fill in empty rows with beans. They grow well, produce heavily and, like peas, put nitrogen into the soil.


I also began a row of turnips. The beets are doing OK. My root crops don’t do as well as I’d like. But next year I plan to put in a row of kale and a row of spinach. I am pondering potatoes.