Exploding garden

I can barely keep up with the garden produce. The zucchini has taken over, the basil is huge. Even I may get tired of pesto.





And the beans!



beans two

Do you see the twine? These are supposed to be bush beans but some of the seeds didn’t get the message. They are twining up the cucumbers and squash and have taken down some of the poles. Hence, my little fix – twine tied to the fence. I will be freezing them this year.

A groundhog moved into the abandoned burrow and has eaten all my mums. But Shelby is on patrol and the hog hasn’t made it to the garden.

shelby on guard



My garden = rainforest










It is amazing how well a garden grows without critters. Shelby is doing a good job of keeping everything at bay.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA



Shelby in pursuit



My tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and beans are taking over.







But this is what they look like harvested.

cukes and zucchini






And I am going to have tons of tomatoes. This is ONE plant.



More about Shelby and the groundhog

Since Shelby’s epic battle with the groundhog, she has been swaggering around the house as though she met and defeated a lion. She had done her job – and has none of the conflicted emotions I am experiencing. She spends as much time as she can outside on guard, either watching the groundhog holes or sitting on the deck keeping an eye on her territory.

I know we have at least one rabbit around. So far he has been both faster and smarter than Shelby. I hope he has the good sense to leave. I don’t think I could take another dead animal.

shelby on guard