Policing in Rees’s World

I have had questions about why Rees doesn’t become a constable or a law enforcement officer himself. Well, At that time, there were few police forces. Boston was one of the first to adopt a police force and that was not until 1837.

Prior to that, the law enforcement structure was a hodgepodge of constables, sheriffs , night watchmen and justices of the peace. As the populations increased, this system was strained until it did not work anymore. Moreover, although they were paid, it was more of a stipend than a salary. All officers had to have another profession that put food on the table. In my series, Rouge runs a tavern.

Other attempts as establishing a police force were tried. The wealthy usually hired their own force to protect themselves and their possessions. A system that paid the men with rewards was also tried. But abuse was rampant. Innocent men were hanged for crimes so the ‘detective’ could collect the reward.

London was the first city to set up a trained, professional force: the Metropolitan Police. As mentioned, that was 1837. So, even if Rees wished to become a full time law enforcement officer, there was no avenue for him to do so.