Currently Reading

One of the truisms of mystery writers in that most of us, probably all, are big mystery readers. I read an average of three books a week. I thought, on this page, I would give you my thoughts on the books I’ve read during the week.

9/30/21. In the past week, I read three books, all very different.

Ice and Stone, by Marcia Muller, is the latest Sharon McCone. Although written pre-pandemic, it is quite timely.

McCone is hired to investigate the disappearances and murders of three Native American women. Considering that I read this at the height of the buzz about Gabby Petito, and the discussions about the many women of color who disappear without a similar furor, I found the topic riveting. Inequality and the entitlement of the wealthy, racism, and the plight of the fictional triple are all part of the setting. The plot was a little convoluted but Muller is a good writer and I was enthralled right to the end. Definitely recommended.

A Darker Reality is Anne Perry’s latest Elena Standish. I’ve read all three and enjoyed them but this is the weakest of the lot.

Elena and her parents travel to Washington, D.C. for her grandparents’ sixtieth wedding anniversary. One of the guests is murdered and Elena’s grandfather is accused. Elena and her family work tirelessly to prove his innocence. The mystery is set pre-WWII and delineates American Nazi sympathizers. I’ve enjoyed all of Perry’s series through the years and she is a good writer but I found this one somewhat preachy.

Bloodless by Preston and Child was the third book this week. Frankly, I have mixed feelings about the Preston and Child oeuvre. The writing style is pedestrian and the books vary widely in quality. This one was even more fantastic than most. It ended with a cliffhanger so we will see where these writers go next.