Currently Reading

Week of May 8. I read the fourth Ozark mystery by Nancy Allen – The Wolf in the Woods, and my first Heather Weidner The Tulip Shirt Murders.

In the Wolf in The Woods,

Elsie’s friend Bree’s daughter is swept up in a human trafficking scheme. Elsie goes undercover and puts herself in danger to rescue Taylor and her friend. This is the fourth of the Ozark series, and there are several threads left unresolved. Unfortunately, there is not a fifth. I really enjoyed these mysteries even though Elsie, a flawed character, really needs to grow up.

While at Malice Domestic, I purchased the Tulip Shirt Murders.

Written in an episodic manner, the mystery follows the daily activities of Melanie Fitzgerald, P.I. The murders are not front and center, but a part of the many cases Delainie and her partner Duncan investigate. Very cozy. After reading this book, I am convinced I am not suited to be a private investigator.