Currently Reading

I am currently in the middle of Fatal Legacy by Lindsay Davis.

This is the eleventh book in the Flavia Alba series and I have enjoyed all of the previous ones.

Flavia Alba is the adopted daughter of Didio Falco (a very good series of its own.)

Both father and daughter work as informers and are hired in the same manner as private detectives.

In this one, Flavia is hired to confirm the father of the bride is a freedman and not a slave. It seems simple at first but as she investigates, it rapidly grows more complicated. The owner who freed the man in question is dead and no one can find a will. As Flavia delves deeper, questions multiply, turning on the ownership of an apricot orchard and a rabbit farm.

I have not been able to read this at my usual breakneck speed because Flavia’s investigation is so complicated. Adultery, a possible rape, a possible murder, all are stirred into Flavia’s original investigation.

Stay tuned. I will share my opinion next week.